用語(物理名) | 用語 | 説明 | 種類 | 識別子 |
domain | ドメイン層 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain | |
model | ドメインモデル | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model | |
common | 共通 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.common | |
money | 通貨 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.common.money | |
quantity | 数量 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.common.quantity | |
master | マスタ | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.master | |
department | 部門 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.department | |
employee | 社員 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee | |
product | 商品 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product | |
system | システム | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.system | |
auth | 認証 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.auth | |
user | ユーザー | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user | |
type | 区分 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.type | |
department | 部門 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.type.department | |
money | 数量 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.type.money | |
product | 商品 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.type.product | |
quantity | 数量 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.type.quantity | |
user | ユーザー | パッケージ | com.example.sms.domain.type.user | |
infrastructure | インフラストラクチャ層 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.infrastructure | |
datasource | データソース | パッケージ | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource | |
presentation | プレゼンテーション層 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.presentation | |
service | サービス層 | パッケージ | com.example.sms.service | |
Exchange | 為替 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.common.money.Exchange | |
Expression | 式 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.common.money.Expression | |
Money | 通貨 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.common.money.Money | |
Pair | 通貨ペア | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.common.money.Pair | |
Sum | 集計 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.common.money.Sum | |
Quantity | 数量 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.common.quantity.Quantity | |
Department | 部門 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.department.Department | |
DepartmentCode | 部門コード | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.department.DepartmentCode | |
DepartmentEndDate | 終了日 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.department.DepartmentEndDate | |
DepartmentId | 部門ID | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.department.DepartmentId | |
DepartmentList | 部門一覧 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.department.DepartmentList | |
DepartmentPath | 部門パス | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.department.DepartmentPath | |
DepartmentStartDate | 開始日 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.department.DepartmentStartDate | |
Employee | 社員 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.Employee | |
EmployeeCode | 社員コード | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.EmployeeCode | |
EmployeeList | 社員一覧 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.EmployeeList | |
EmployeeName | 社員名 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.EmployeeName | |
FaxNumber | FAX番号 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.FaxNumber | |
JobCode | 職種コード | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.JobCode | |
PhoneNumber | 電話番号 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.PhoneNumber | |
Bom | 部品表 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.Bom | |
CustomerSpecificSellingPrice | 顧客別販売単価 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.CustomerSpecificSellingPrice | |
Product | 商品 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.Product | |
ProductCategory | 商品分類 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.ProductCategory | |
ProductCategoryCode | 商品分類コード | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.ProductCategoryCode | |
ProductCategoryList | 商品分類一覧 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.ProductCategoryList | |
ProductCode | 商品コード | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.ProductCode | |
ProductList | 商品一覧 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.ProductList | |
ProductName | 商品名 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.ProductName | |
SubstituteProduct | 代替商品 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.SubstituteProduct | |
SupplierCode | 仕入先コード | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.product.SupplierCode | |
AuthUserDetails | 認証ユーザー | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.auth.AuthUserDetails | |
Name | 名前 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.Name | |
Password | パスワード | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.Password | |
PasswordException | パスワード例外 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.PasswordException | |
User | ユーザー | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.User | |
UserException | ユーザー例外 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.UserException | |
UserId | ユーザーID | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.UserId | |
UserIdException | ユーザーID例外 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.UserIdException | |
UserList | ユーザー一覧 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.UserList | |
DepartmentLowerType | 最下層区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.department.DepartmentLowerType | |
SlitYnType | 伝票入力可否 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.department.SlitYnType | |
CurrencyType | 通過タイプ | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.money.CurrencyType | |
BusinessType | 事業区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.product.BusinessType | |
ItemType | 品目区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.product.ItemType | |
LiveStockType | 畜産区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.product.LiveStockType | |
MiscellaneousType | 雑区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.product.MiscellaneousType | |
ProductType | 商品区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.product.ProductType | |
StockAllocationType | 在庫引当区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.product.StockAllocationType | |
StockManagementTargetType | 在庫管理対象区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.product.StockManagementTargetType | |
TaxType | 税区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.product.TaxType | |
UnitType | 単位区分 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.quantity.UnitType | |
RoleName | 役割 | クラス | com.example.sms.domain.type.user.RoleName | |
DepartmentApiController | 部門API | クラス | com.example.sms.presentation.api.master.department.DepartmentApiController | |
EmployeeApiController | 社員API | クラス | com.example.sms.presentation.api.master.employee.EmployeeApiController | |
ProductApiController | 商品API | クラス | com.example.sms.presentation.api.master.product.ProductApiController | |
ProductCategoryApiController | 商品分類API | クラス | com.example.sms.presentation.api.master.product.ProductCategoryApiController | |
AuthApiController | 認証API | クラス | com.example.sms.presentation.api.system.auth.AuthApiController | |
LoginRequest | 認証リクエスト | クラス | com.example.sms.presentation.api.system.auth.payload.request.LoginRequest | |
SignupRequest | ユーザー登録リクエスト | クラス | com.example.sms.presentation.api.system.auth.payload.request.SignupRequest | |
UserApiController | ユーザーAPI | クラス | com.example.sms.presentation.api.system.user.UserApiController | |
DepartmentService | 部門サービス | クラス | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService | |
EmployeeService | 社員サービス | クラス | com.example.sms.service.master.employee.EmployeeService | |
ProductService | 商品サービス | クラス | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService | |
AuthApiService | 認証APIサービス | クラス | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthApiService | |
AuthRepository | 認証リポジトリ | クラス | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthRepository | |
AuthService | 認証サービス | クラス | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthService | |
UserManagementService | ユーザー管理サービス | クラス | com.example.sms.service.system.user.UserManagementService | |
UserRepository | ユーザーレポジトリ | クラス | com.example.sms.service.system.user.UserRepository | |
Name | 社員名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.EmployeeName#Name() | |
NameKana | 社員名カナ | メソッド | com.example.sms.domain.model.master.employee.EmployeeName#NameKana() | |
FirstName | 姓 | メソッド | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.Name#FirstName() | |
FullName | フルネーム | メソッド | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.Name#FullName() | |
LastName | 名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.Name#LastName() | |
Value | パスワード | メソッド | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.Password#Value() | |
Value | ユーザーID | メソッド | com.example.sms.domain.model.system.user.UserId#Value() | |
get伝票入力可否 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.伝票入力可否 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get伝票入力可否() |
get作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get作成日時() |
get作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get作成者名() |
get更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get更新日時() |
get更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get更新者名() |
get最下層区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.最下層区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get最下層区分() |
get終了日 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.終了日 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get終了日() |
get組織階層 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.組織階層 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get組織階層() |
get部門パス | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.部門パス | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get部門パス() |
get部門名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.部門名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#get部門名() |
set伝票入力可否 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.伝票入力可否 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set伝票入力可否() |
set作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set作成日時() |
set作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set作成者名() |
set更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set更新日時() |
set更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set更新者名() |
set最下層区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.最下層区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set最下層区分() |
set終了日 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.終了日 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set終了日() |
set組織階層 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.組織階層 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set組織階層() |
set部門パス | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.部門パス | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set部門パス() |
set部門名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.部門名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタ#set部門名() |
get部門コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.部門コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタKey#get部門コード() |
get開始日 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.開始日 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタKey#get開始日() |
set部門コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.部門コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタKey#set部門コード() |
set開始日 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部門マスタ.開始日 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタKey#set開始日() |
deleteByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部門マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタMapper#deleteByPrimaryKey() |
insert | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部門マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタMapper#insert() |
insertSelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部門マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタMapper#insertSelective() |
selectByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部門マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタMapper#selectByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部門マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタMapper#updateByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKeySelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部門マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.department.部門マスタMapper#updateByPrimaryKeySelective() |
getFax番号 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.FAX番号 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#getFax番号() |
getUserId | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.user_id | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#getUserId() |
getパスワード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.パスワード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#getパスワード() |
get作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get作成日時() |
get作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get作成者名() |
get承認権限コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.承認権限コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get承認権限コード() |
get更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get更新日時() |
get更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get更新者名() |
get社員コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.社員コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get社員コード() |
get社員名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.社員名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get社員名() |
get社員名カナ | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.社員名カナ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get社員名カナ() |
get職種コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.職種コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get職種コード() |
get部門コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.部門コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get部門コード() |
get開始日 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.開始日 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get開始日() |
get電話番号 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.電話番号 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#get電話番号() |
setFax番号 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.FAX番号 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#setFax番号() |
setUserId | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.user_id | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#setUserId() |
setパスワード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.パスワード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#setパスワード() |
set作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set作成日時() |
set作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set作成者名() |
set承認権限コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.承認権限コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set承認権限コード() |
set更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set更新日時() |
set更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set更新者名() |
set社員コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.社員コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set社員コード() |
set社員名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.社員名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set社員名() |
set社員名カナ | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.社員名カナ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set社員名カナ() |
set職種コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.職種コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set職種コード() |
set部門コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.部門コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set部門コード() |
set開始日 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.開始日 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set開始日() |
set電話番号 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.社員マスタ.電話番号 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタ#set電話番号() |
deleteByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.社員マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタMapper#deleteByPrimaryKey() |
insert | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.社員マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタMapper#insert() |
insertSelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.社員マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタMapper#insertSelective() |
selectByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.社員マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタMapper#selectByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.社員マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタMapper#updateByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKeySelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.社員マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.employee.社員マスタMapper#updateByPrimaryKeySelective() |
get作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.代替商品.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#get作成日時() |
get作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.代替商品.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#get作成者名() |
get優先順位 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.代替商品.優先順位 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#get優先順位() |
get更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.代替商品.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#get更新日時() |
get更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.代替商品.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#get更新者名() |
set作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.代替商品.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#set作成日時() |
set作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.代替商品.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#set作成者名() |
set優先順位 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.代替商品.優先順位 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#set優先順位() |
set更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.代替商品.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#set更新日時() |
set更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.代替商品.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品#set更新者名() |
get代替商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.代替商品.代替商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Key#get代替商品コード() |
get商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.代替商品.商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Key#get商品コード() |
set代替商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.代替商品.代替商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Key#set代替商品コード() |
set商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.代替商品.商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Key#set商品コード() |
deleteByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.代替商品 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Mapper#deleteByPrimaryKey() |
insert | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.代替商品 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Mapper#insert() |
insertSelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.代替商品 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Mapper#insertSelective() |
selectByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.代替商品 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Mapper#selectByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.代替商品 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Mapper#updateByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKeySelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.代替商品 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.代替商品Mapper#updateByPrimaryKeySelective() |
get仕入先コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.仕入先コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get仕入先コード() |
get仕入先枝番 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.仕入先枝番 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get仕入先枝番() |
get仕入単価 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.仕入単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get仕入単価() |
get作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get作成日時() |
get作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get作成者名() |
get商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get商品コード() |
get商品分類コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品分類コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get商品分類コード() |
get商品区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get商品区分() |
get商品名カナ | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品名カナ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get商品名カナ() |
get商品正式名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品正式名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get商品正式名() |
get商品略称 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品略称 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get商品略称() |
get在庫引当区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.在庫引当区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get在庫引当区分() |
get在庫管理対象区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.在庫管理対象区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get在庫管理対象区分() |
get売上原価 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.売上原価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get売上原価() |
get更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get更新日時() |
get更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get更新者名() |
get税区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.税区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get税区分() |
get製品型番 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.製品型番 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get製品型番() |
get販売単価 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get販売単価() |
get雑区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.雑区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#get雑区分() |
set仕入先コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.仕入先コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set仕入先コード() |
set仕入先枝番 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.仕入先枝番 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set仕入先枝番() |
set仕入単価 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.仕入単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set仕入単価() |
set作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set作成日時() |
set作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set作成者名() |
set商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set商品コード() |
set商品分類コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品分類コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set商品分類コード() |
set商品区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set商品区分() |
set商品名カナ | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品名カナ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set商品名カナ() |
set商品正式名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品正式名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set商品正式名() |
set商品略称 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.商品略称 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set商品略称() |
set在庫引当区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.在庫引当区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set在庫引当区分() |
set在庫管理対象区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.在庫管理対象区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set在庫管理対象区分() |
set売上原価 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.売上原価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set売上原価() |
set更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set更新日時() |
set更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set更新者名() |
set税区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.税区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set税区分() |
set製品型番 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.製品型番 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set製品型番() |
set販売単価 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set販売単価() |
set雑区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品マスタ.雑区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタ#set雑区分() |
deleteByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタMapper#deleteByPrimaryKey() |
insert | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタMapper#insert() |
insertSelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタMapper#insertSelective() |
selectByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタMapper#selectByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタMapper#updateByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKeySelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品マスタMapper#updateByPrimaryKeySelective() |
get作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get作成日時() |
get作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get作成者名() |
get商品分類コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.商品分類コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get商品分類コード() |
get商品分類パス | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.商品分類パス | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get商品分類パス() |
get商品分類名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.商品分類名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get商品分類名() |
get商品分類階層 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.商品分類階層 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get商品分類階層() |
get更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get更新日時() |
get更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get更新者名() |
get最下層区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.最下層区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#get最下層区分() |
set作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set作成日時() |
set作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set作成者名() |
set商品分類コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.商品分類コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set商品分類コード() |
set商品分類パス | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.商品分類パス | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set商品分類パス() |
set商品分類名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.商品分類名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set商品分類名() |
set商品分類階層 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.商品分類階層 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set商品分類階層() |
set更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set更新日時() |
set更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set更新者名() |
set最下層区分 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.商品分類マスタ.最下層区分 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタ#set最下層区分() |
deleteByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品分類マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタMapper#deleteByPrimaryKey() |
insert | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品分類マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタMapper#insert() |
insertSelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品分類マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタMapper#insertSelective() |
selectByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品分類マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタMapper#selectByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品分類マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタMapper#updateByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKeySelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.商品分類マスタ | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.商品分類マスタMapper#updateByPrimaryKeySelective() |
get作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部品表.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#get作成日時() |
get作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部品表.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#get作成者名() |
get更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部品表.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#get更新日時() |
get更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部品表.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#get更新者名() |
get部品数量 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部品表.部品数量 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#get部品数量() |
set作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部品表.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#set作成日時() |
set作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部品表.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#set作成者名() |
set更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部品表.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#set更新日時() |
set更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部品表.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#set更新者名() |
set部品数量 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部品表.部品数量 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表#set部品数量() |
get商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部品表.商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Key#get商品コード() |
get部品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.部品表.部品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Key#get部品コード() |
set商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部品表.商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Key#set商品コード() |
set部品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.部品表.部品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Key#set部品コード() |
deleteByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部品表 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Mapper#deleteByPrimaryKey() |
insert | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部品表 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Mapper#insert() |
insertSelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部品表 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Mapper#insertSelective() |
selectByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部品表 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Mapper#selectByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部品表 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Mapper#updateByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKeySelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.部品表 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.部品表Mapper#updateByPrimaryKeySelective() |
get作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#get作成日時() |
get作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#get作成者名() |
get更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#get更新日時() |
get更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#get更新者名() |
get販売単価 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#get販売単価() |
set作成日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.作成日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#set作成日時() |
set作成者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.作成者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#set作成者名() |
set更新日時 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.更新日時 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#set更新日時() |
set更新者名 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.更新者名 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#set更新者名() |
set販売単価 | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価#set販売単価() |
get取引先コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.取引先コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Key#get取引先コード() |
get商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Key#get商品コード() |
set取引先コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.取引先コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Key#set取引先コード() |
set商品コード | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column public.顧客別販売単価.商品コード | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Key#set商品コード() |
deleteByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.顧客別販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Mapper#deleteByPrimaryKey() |
insert | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.顧客別販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Mapper#insert() |
insertSelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.顧客別販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Mapper#insertSelective() |
selectByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.顧客別販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Mapper#selectByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.顧客別販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Mapper#updateByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKeySelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table public.顧客別販売単価 | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.master.product.顧客別販売単価Mapper#updateByPrimaryKeySelective() |
getFirstName | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column system.usr.first_name | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#getFirstName() |
getLastName | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column system.usr.last_name | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#getLastName() |
getPassword | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column system.usr.password | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#getPassword() |
getRoleName | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column system.usr.role_name | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#getRoleName() |
getUserId | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method returns the value of the database column system.usr.user_id | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#getUserId() |
setFirstName | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column system.usr.first_name | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#setFirstName() |
setLastName | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column system.usr.last_name | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#setLastName() |
setPassword | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column system.usr.password | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#setPassword() |
setRoleName | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column system.usr.role_name | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#setRoleName() |
setUserId | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method sets the value of the database column system.usr.user_id | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.Usr#setUserId() |
deleteByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table system.usr | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.UsrMapper#deleteByPrimaryKey() |
insert | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table system.usr | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.UsrMapper#insert() |
insertSelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table system.usr | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.UsrMapper#insertSelective() |
selectByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table system.usr | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.UsrMapper#selectByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKey | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table system.usr | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.UsrMapper#updateByPrimaryKey() |
updateByPrimaryKeySelective | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. | This method corresponds to the database table system.usr | メソッド | com.example.sms.infrastructure.datasource.system.user.UsrMapper#updateByPrimaryKeySelective() |
delete | 部門削除 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService#delete() | |
find | 部門検索 (部門ID) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService#find() | |
findByCode | 部門検索(部門コード) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService#findByCode() | |
register | 部門新規登録 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService#register() | |
save | 部門情報編集 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService#save() | |
save | 部門情報編集(社員追加・削除) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService#save() | |
selectAll | 部門一覧 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService#selectAll() | |
selectAllWithPageInfo | 部門一覧(ページング) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.department.DepartmentService#selectAllWithPageInfo() | |
delete | 社員削除 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.employee.EmployeeService#delete() | |
find | 社員検索 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.employee.EmployeeService#find() | |
register | 社員新規登録 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.employee.EmployeeService#register() | |
save | 社員情報編集 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.employee.EmployeeService#save() | |
selectAll | 社員一覧 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.employee.EmployeeService#selectAll() | |
selectAllWithPageInfo | 社員一覧(ページング) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.employee.EmployeeService#selectAllWithPageInfo() | |
delete | 商品削除 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#delete() | |
deleteCategory | 商品分類削除 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#deleteCategory() | |
find | 商品検索 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#find() | |
findCategory | 商品分類検索 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#findCategory() | |
register | 商品新規登録 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#register() | |
registerCategory | 商品分類新規登録 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#registerCategory() | |
save | 商品情報編集 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#save() | |
saveCategory | 商品分類情報編集 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#saveCategory() | |
saveCategory | 商品分類情報編集(商品追加、削除) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#saveCategory() | |
selectAll | 商品一覧 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#selectAll() | |
selectAllBomsWithPageInfo | 部品一覧(ページング) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#selectAllBomsWithPageInfo() | |
selectAllCategory | 商品分類一覧 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#selectAllCategory() | |
selectAllCategoryWithPageInfo | 商品分類一覧(ページング) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#selectAllCategoryWithPageInfo() | |
selectAllWithPageInfo | 商品一覧(ページング) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.master.product.ProductService#selectAllWithPageInfo() | |
authenticateUser | ユーザーJWT認証 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthApiService#authenticateUser() | |
getCurrentUserId | 現在のユーザーIDの取得 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthApiService#getCurrentUserId() | |
getUserNameFromJwtToke | JWTトークンからユーザー名の取得 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthApiService#getUserNameFromJwtToke() | |
validateJwtToke | JWTトークンの取得 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthApiService#validateJwtToke() | |
validateJwtToken | JWTトークンの検証 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthApiService#validateJwtToken() | |
loadUserByUsername | ユーザー認証 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.auth.AuthService#loadUserByUsername() | |
delete | ユーザー削除 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.user.UserManagementService#delete() | |
find | ユーザー検索 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.user.UserManagementService#find() | |
register | ユーザー新規登録 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.user.UserManagementService#register() | |
save | ユーザー情報編集 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.user.UserManagementService#save() | |
selectAll | ユーザー一覧 | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.user.UserManagementService#selectAll() | |
selectAllWithPageInfo | ユーザー一覧(ページング) | メソッド | com.example.sms.service.system.user.UserManagementService#selectAllWithPageInfo() |